Ultrasound results

The official results - maximise and read it

On Wednesday the 9th of November Thomas and I went to my doctor for having a good ultra sound. We wanted to see, if our first child would have some severe diseases, like heart, kidney or lungs problems, water on the brain, lump feet, open mouth/ jaw or open spine and so on to be able to decide for the right hospital or special clinic. Thanks to our God our baby is healthy! My doctor Dr. Hengen explained the heart and what to look at. Sometimes it is difficult to follow the explanations of the doc, because you just see some light gray space. But he was good and so we were confident. Also the size of the head and body and the lenght of the arms and legs were measured. The toes and the fingers belong to the right place. We know even the gender of the baby by now. The doc is very sure that it will be a girl. I told the doctor the story of a friend of mine, her doc told told her it would be a girl and on the delivery day it was a boy. Dr. Hengen just muttered, that this doctor did not have a clue of what he was doing.